About the Troubadour:

NAME: Matheas Harcourt.
STAGE-NAME: 'The Rose of Boralus'.
AGE: Early Twenties.
BIRTHDAY: 22nd June.
RACE: Human (Kul Tiran lineage.)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Open to further muses and associations.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good.
BIRTHPLACE: Brennadam.
RESIDENCE: Itinerant.
RELIGIOUS INCLINATIONS The August Celestials and The Tidemother.
CLASS: Monk (Pursuing mastery of The Path.)
ADDITIONAL PROFICIENCIES: Cooking and Brewing, Strategy (Learning), Subterfuge, Leadership, Medicine (Pandaren), Emotional support, 'Dancing horizontally'.
CORE TRAITS: Empathetic, Determined, Exuberant, Confident, Flirtatious, Hedonistic, Troubled, Idealistic, Self-loving.

'The Rose of Boralus' is nothing if not an eccentric individual. A man seemingly caught between the cultures of Pandaria and Kul Tiras yet revelling in both; he navigates through life in a spirited fashion.They present themselves to the world through the veneer of a gleeful mischief-maker; a free bird that seeks to make merry and bring cheer wherever possible. His exuberant performances have done much to embolden his reputation, whilst his roguish proclivities have done ought to inspire a sense of scandal about his moniker, something he holds no regrets nor qualms about. Such belies the nuance of his being, however.For the balladeer is far more than a teasing songster. Among the joy that sparks within his eyes are burdens and experiences one would not expect of a man his age. The roads he has walked have opened his heart and mind to numerous truths; some bitter, some sweet, and some too terrible to name. The result is a man who, for all his mirth, bears a sense of discipline, serenity and wilfulness few of his nature could hope to match.Fate has been a fickle mistress to 'The Rose', but in spite of such, he remains unbowed. Bearing the wayfaring candour of a Kul Tiran, and a sense of gusto only the Pandaren could teach, he journeys onward. There are daring deeds yet to be done, aching hearts to soothe and inspire, valiant heroes to meet and accompany, and tales aplenty still to be told. There is much the world still holds in store, and this intrepid wanderer does not intend on missing out."After all, life's too short to be squandered, mmh?"

HAIR COLOUR: Ashen blonde.
EYE COLOUR: Golden fire.
COMPLEXION: Fair skinned, but healthy.
HEIGHT: Five foot and seven inches.
BUILD: Lithe and trained.
TATTOOS: A cloud serpent winding up the left arm, resting its head atop the heart. It shares in the colour of his eyes when he is wielding large quantities of Chi.
PREFERRED ATTIRE: Loose, frilled shirts, leather trousers, masquerade masks, training garb, light armour and Pandaren robes.
COMMON EQUIPMENT: A sturdy looking oaken Bo staff, a drinking Gourd etched with pandaren caligraphy, an enchanted dwarven stein, an elegant looking flute and of course his cherry wood lute, complete with floral patterns.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A Pandaren charm representing 'Niuzao', a silver ring with an aquamarine gemstone, and a necklace comprised of a piece of pale, white bark that has a crescent moon carved into it. The moon holds something of an iridescent shimmer to it.

A glimpse of his Relations:

"I dare say my companionships, past and present, have been nothing if not varied."Here you'll be able to find out a little more about the various individuals and organisations 'The Rose of Boralus' is, or has otherwise been, affiliated with.


'The Shepherd'

"A potent naturalist and a charming peer; she is an exuberant spirit whose mischievous nature is matched only by their desire to do good. A welcome face to see beside a campfire."

Sienna Claire
'The Siren of Stormsong'

"A resolute agent of the tides; whose voice can evoke rejuvenating rains and crushing waves alike. In spite of fate's trials, our bond has persisted since childhood. I shall not squander such."

Kalious Briarcliff

"Reclusive, rugged and relentless. This stoic soul struggles on in spite of all the world throws in his path. Such is the strength afforded by a father's love, and it is a might that commands respect."



"A mishmash of old friends and newfound acquaintances, sworn to the pursuit of adventure, the defeat of evil, and triumph over ordeals befitting of fable. 'Mythos', as they have so eloquently coined themselves, have proven to be nothing if not a lively bunch. A welcome surprise, given how many of them hail from either the High Home, or verdant lands of Kalimdor. Whilst I have not ventured besides them long enough to truly collate my thoughts upon them, I can attest to their valour, loyalty, and determination; though one should suspect no less when they make heroism their business."


Luynaraeth Ravenmourn
'The Vigilant Shadow'

"Tenacious, watchful, and cunning; with a capacity for compassion and brutality in equal measure. A warding shadow in the moonlight, to whom I am ever thankful."




'The Blades'

"Heroes, one and all. That is how I would define them. No matter their past; no matter the creeds they once followed, they stood against oblivion when no other would. That I did not see eye to eye with every soul among them is irrelevant. Their deeds changed the fate of Azeroth, and for that I would see them commended to parchment; so that their legacy may become legend; and those who sacrificed everything may never be forgotten. It is... the least I can do; for I, blinded by ignorant passion, forsook their cause."

'The Ardent Host'

"Tenacious, devoted and selfless in spite of their burdens. These are fitting descriptors for those who followed the banner of The Ardent Host. Led by a former Knight of Stormwind named Dacian Merleaux; this order of comrades, sworn together by cause and camaraderie alike, stood firm against the terrors of the Old Gods. United against a night that stood to be without end, we fought from Uldum to The Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and together; we played our part in driving back the darkness. For many, such marked the end of their vigil against the ruins that plague the world. They have earned their measure of peace. I hope that each and every one of them savours it fully.
After all, what is the dawn if not to be delighted in?"

'The Grim Hunt'

"An... enigmatic, and in may cases, esoteric bunch to say the least. Theirs was a solemn lot. A dire cause, reaping a heavy toll on friend and foe alike. They bore it, endured the plights that came with, and suffered beneath the weight of such a burden. Truthfully, I know not if they found triumph in the end, if it could be called such...
Yet as I look upon those dour days, I am left with two things:
A debt beyond repayment, and a question with no joyful answer..."

A peek at his repetoire:

"For what is a minstrel without their songs and stories, mmh?"This page is dedicated to housing the various ballads, tales and poems composed by 'The Rose of Boralus', most of which are available to the public at a respectable price. Peruse at your leisure.


The Wayfarer's Ballads Vol.1:

"A collection of songs and ditties composed between The Return of the Burning Legion and the closing of The Veil. They feature topics ranging from warfare and heroic burdens through to professions of ardour and passion, and even the occasional, teasing ode to a friend."(This book can be acquired at most libraries and bookstores throughout Alliance and Alliance-Adjacent territories for the price of four silver. The individual pieces and their script music can be purchased for the price of fifty copper per piece, should one be interested in such things.)

Mythic Minuets: A Fellowship's Fables:

"A collection of ballads and tales given voice through song, dedicated to the adventures of The Rose of Boralus and the intrepid company of companions known as: Mythos. Though slightly more sombre than 'The Wayfarer's Ballads Vol.1, there is still plenty to be found here that will leave the heart awash with emotion. Tales of adventure, admiration and adversity are to be found in abundance here, punctuated by the occasional comedic minuet or yearning melody."(This collection is currently being constructed, and as such is not for sale or collection within the stores and libraries of Alliance and Alliance-Adjacent territories. Check back soon to see if circumstances have changed!)

The Wayfarer's Ballads Vol. 2:



"The creative's art is nothing if not time consuming. Check back soon, for you never know when their flowers may bloom!"


"The creative's art is nothing if not time consuming. Check back soon, for you never know when their flowers may bloom!"

"Adventure awaits..."

Daring souls, one and all, mayhaps you're keen to find out more about those who challenge myths themselves?
If so, then I entreat you to take your eyes here.

For those seeking the Troubadour:

"The road calls, and I am not one to turn away from it."Ever the itinerant soul, The Rose of Boralus has ventured far and wide across Azeroth, find themselves steeped in all manner of adventures as a result. From cheer inspiring concerts, to well-intended mischief, to deeds of daring-do and debauchery; there are a plethora of ways one might know of the minstrel, or have even come into contact with him...

( An OOC Disclaimer ):

You're free to make use of any of the hooks presented here so long as you think them appropriate for your character and we have a discussion to establish how they might manifest in the context of any RP we arrange. I have some additional prompts to hand, but they will be reserved for during discussion, as they are more detailed or nuanced, and will thus require a greater level of trust and respect to successfully utilize.Respecting the above is a pre-requisite for RP that seeks to make use of these prompts. Thank you for adhering to such, and I look forward to roleplaying with you should circumstances permit such!


Passing Theatrics: Perhaps you've caught wind of his performance coming to a local hamlet, perhaps you've already perceived his antics, or better yet, been drawn into them? Regardless, it makes for a fitting way to start a conversation with the minstrel.

Braves from the Broken Temple: Despite his thespian's exterior, Rose remains an adherent to the path of The Broken Temple, and has fought in its name on more than one occasion. Perhaps you shared in the rigorous training afforded by such an organization, or perhaps you fought alongside each other against the damnable threats Azeroth faces. The Rose considers it a good day when they can break bread with a comrade once again.

Stocked Shelves: Many of The Rose's works can be found throughout the bookshops and libraries of Azeroth. It wouldn't be out of place for many sorts to have developed an interest in his ballads and poems; and perhaps that led them to seek out the artist themselves. Who knows, may be such a pursuit could grant them the inspiration to make some thing fresh from their tales?

Simple Joys: As one might expect of a man with so scandalous a reputation as The Rose possesses, the minstrel holds a particular affinity for the finer things in life. If one shares in such an appetite, then there is ample chance that you would have come across him in the parlours and halls of discreet establishments, or sneaking out of a manor's bedroom window by the light of dawn. Perhaps you were the reason for such escapades!

The Peoples' Man: Among the working classes of Azeroth, particularly in the realms of Humanity, The Rose is typically well loved. He has a penchant for standing up for the little fellow, and can often be found among the thick of societal upheaval and unrest. Whether he is there because of the stories might spawn, or because he incited such, is often a mystery, one that spawns no shortage of speculation. Perhaps you've had a good turn done to you by the minstrel in this nature, perhaps you've stood aside him in the thick of a protest, or perhaps your endeavours have been sabotaged by this agent of the common man? Would you seek vengeance? Perhaps so!

Chosen of The Crane: Perhaps you've found yourself taken by the gleaming, supernatural radiance of his eyes, or perhaps you've bought into the rumours regarding the balladeer and his supposed affinity for The Red Crane. This could serve as ample cause for investigation, or mayhaps you have found the tales spun around such to be inspiring enough to seek him out, and find the heart of the matter for yourself! After all, what is myth, if not the truth expanded?

A patron of the Rumour Mill: As is to be expected when one is as adventurous as he, The Rose has no shortage of rumour, speculation and half-truths swirling around his moniker and his activities. From being presumed as an eloping prince, to decried as a scoundrel with no respect for the nobility of the realms of men, to being cheered for as an eccentric champion of those in need; there are a plethora of notions attributed to the balladeer. He revels in such, all too content to spin the tales to his advantage, if it suits his fancy. Perhaps you've heard of such things, or perhaps you are the cause for such and chance has had you cross paths with the man himself!

For those of valorous disposition:

"Even the simplest acts of kindness and courage can broker hope in those who need it most."A notion the troubadour holds close to his heart; defining much of his deeds and intentions alike. To leave a place better than when one first found it is among the most noble deeds one can undertake. It is a labour that he undertakes willingly; but he is not so brave, or foolhardy, as to believe him capable of undertaking, alone, in its entirety. After all, a labour shared is a labour lightened and the fellowships formed from such shared tribulation stand to embolden the fires of hope all the more.So if you find yourself laden with compassion and courage in equal measure; seek out the balladeer or his valiant cadre. He may have ought of altruism and adventure for you to undertake.

( An OOC Disclaimer ):

The concept of The Band of First Dawn is designed to be a low commitment, primarily IC collective of like-minded individuals who can both drive roleplay for others and help 'present' a common cause through RP.It is also an excuse for me, or others to throw together Public Events whenever I, or they socialize on Retail.It is not a guild nor does it have any expectations of commitment. If anything, it is merely another avenue of RP available to those who are both a part of, and met by those of the concept.If the players involved consent to such; they are free to write me stories and reports of their deeds; which I will then construct into plays, ballads and performances which can later be put on during RP either at taverns or other public locations.In all honesty, its just another fun avenue for us to have RP and collaborate without the pressures and expectations of a more dedicated concept. If you think its something you might be interested in, or you'd like to seek me out for DM content in some capacity, feel free to reach out to me! My contacts can be found in the OOC section of my carrd!


In the pursuit of aiding those in need and the all the heroism that comes with such; The Rose of Boralus has begun taking the first steps towards assembling a collective of likeminded individuals who can spread hope and improve the lots of those in need all across Azeroth.Inspired by the teachings and examples of Kang, Fist of First Dawn and the August Celestials that taught the Pandaren much of what they extol today, alongside a healthy dose of human fables and virtuous inspirations, the balladeer actively seeks out those who need a helping hand; or can afford to give such to others.To this end, it is not unlikely that if a region suffers from a problem of some kind and the minstrel is there to amend it, he will call upon those able bodied and courageous souls who might assist him in such. Those who do will find themselves suitably compensated for their efforts, and if they take a shine to the idea this band represents then they may well find a place within it.Those who are a part of the band are free to travel and continue their journeys as they wish; with the minstrel ever eager to hear of what they get up to in their own pursuits of heroism and adventure. These stories may well become the inspiration for the plays and ballads he goes on to create; tales whose inspirations may well find themselves centre stage in their retellings.Those who prove themselves through deeds and words alike may find themselves entrusted to seek out others or lead the valiant in undertaking tribulations of their own; further emboldening the measure of good that such a band can impart to a world fraught with uncertainty.So be it by chance or your own volition, if your path crosses with that of the Rose's and your hearts align in cause and camaraderie, there may well be a place for you among the The Band of First Dawn!

With Regards to matters Out of Character:

"We're all here to have a little fun at the very least, mmh?"Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to read over this Carrd and for showing interest in The Rose therein.I am his player, an individual over 21 years of age, operating out of the GMT Timezone and this section will largely be dedicated to explaining what I am willing to engage with and what preferences I hold with regards to RP.First and foremost; I maintain a strict policy of only RPing with those who are 18+. Ideally, I would prefer to maintain my interactions with those who are 21+.As a rule of thumb, I generally enjoy a variety of plots; but I have a particular soft spot for high adventure, intrigue, epic battles and the like; though all of this is at its best when grounded in humanity and relatable themes. I have no qualms with mature topics arising, but I request that they are explored with the proper conduct and courtesy both to the material and all those involved.As someone who has DMed for numerous years, I also hold an avid interest in providing content when I have the energy to do so; but this is not something that I am always prepared to do, or have the energy for!If you desire to contact me or arrange roleplay based on the hooks or character displayed in this Carrd, you can contact me in Retail WoW on: Roséthorn, in Epsilon WoW on: Therose. My discord will also be available on request.Thank you again for reading into this Carrd and I hope that you have a wonderful day!